13th COSCOM Birthday Week Celebration 2025

13th COSCOM Birthday Week 2025. Click below to learn more

Birthday Week 2025

13th Sustainment Command Memorial Pavillion

One of the goals of the 13th COSCOM Association was to create an enduring tribute to "Those who've sacrificed" in support of the 13th Sustainment Command, and its preceding organizations. The memorial is located at Fort Cavazos, Texas and honors the memory of the men and women who paid the ultimate price during the Global War on Terrorism.

Learn More Order a Brick Online Download Brick Order Form View The Fallen Soldiers

Preserve your legacy. Honor the service of your friends and family. Purchase a brick today!

The 13th COSCOM Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Charitable donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Tax ID # 71-0978700

13th Sustainment Command National Museum Unit Recognition Plaque Fundraiser

Please support the 13th Sustainment Command Tribute Plaque today!

The 13th COSCOM Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Charitable donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Tax ID # 71-0978700

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